Producing pellet from horse manure

A farm used Rural Development Programme (RDP) support to produce horse manure pellets that can be used as an organic fertiliser as well as a source of renewable energy.

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Project summary: 

The Farma Brezany, s.r.o., is located in the Zilina region, north-western Slovakia, around 200 kilometres away from Bratislava. The farm has diversified its business and now offers activities such as horse breading, fishing, eco-tourism, as well as producing local delicacies including cheese, traditional alcohol, fruit jams and more.
The farm has a stable with 40 horses and the owner had a problem managing the animals’ manure. Consequently, he used RDP support to acquire a pelleting line with pellet dryers, which were installed in a renovated barn. The new equipment processes the manure and bedding from the stables and produces pellets that could be sold as an effective organic fertilizer, or as a renewable source of energy. 

Project results: 

The farm can process 600 kg of manure per day, which produces around 300 kg of pellets daily.
Two new jobs were created. 
When the pellet production is working at full capacity, the farm can cover all of its heating costs.
The farm is the only one in Slovakia which is certified to produce “HIJOHUMUS”, a biological granulate which is suitable as a fertiliser and also as pellets for heating.