Ny på landet – Rural newcomers

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  2. English

A project that supports the integration of young immigrants into Swedish society and is organised by young immigrants themselves.

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Project summary: 

Ny på landet ('Rural newcomers') is designed to help young immigrants aged 16-25 to integrate into Swedish society through nature and outdoor learning. It aims to increase their understanding of the Swedish countryside and improve their knowledge of, and access to, Swedish rural areas. The project is led by a group of young team leaders who are migrants themselves.

Since 2011 the project has evolved into different forms but its name has remained unchanged. The project that started in 2018 focused on improving young immigrants’ awareness and knowledge of the Swedish countryside, improving their knowledge of nature and outdoor living and helping them to integrate into Swedish society. The project promoter is the LAG Folkungaland. 

Project results: 

Four 'participant camps' with at least 40 young people per camp

Recruited and trained 15 team leaders

Created a book/graphic novel about Ny på landet

Started the Ny på landet youth association

Created a website and a visual identity for the youth association

Awarded 14 integration support grants from a total of 2460 EUROS