A new integrated model for requalification and improved management of watercourses

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Cooperation on a pilot project that could provide a more viable and sustainable alternative to manage river banks.

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Project summary: 

Management of water courses in many rural areas in Italy has become more and more an issue. In the past usually farmers were undertaking the maintenance of river banks. Currently, the legislation to authorize these works has become more complicated and represented an obstacle to farmers’ activities.

These considerations brought a group of actors in the area around the Musone river, between Ancona and Macerata in the Marche region, to cooperate to implement a pilot project that could provide a more viable and sustainable alternative to manage river banks.

Project results: 

Preparation of the detailed action plan;

Carry out four studies to evaluate the viability and environmental sustainability of the project;

Works along the river bank: creation of trails; woods cut using appropriate equipment; cleaning the river bed; afforestation of certain areas; etc.

Creation of a storage for residues.