Natur Verbindet - Nature Connects

  1. Polski niedostępny
  2. English

‘Nature Connects’ is a campaign to raise and generate awareness on the importance of biodiversity in rural landscapes by bringing together land owners, experts and the broader public.

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Project summary: 

Nature protection is not very popular amongst farmers in Austria. Farmers tend to consider it as an obligation or a commitment without realising the importance of preserving nature and biodiversity. To address this situation project holders launched a campaign build around an online platform to promote and preserve the rich diversity in fauna and flora in rural landscapes in Austria.

Activities supported included the development and maintenance of the online platform; cooperation with stakeholders like the Austrian Chamber of Agriculture and identification of new partners; production of information papers and brochures, Public Relations, campaigning, holding events, workshops and awards, producing of signs to indicate outstanding areas, etc.

Project results: 
  • 52 million m2 of agricultural land registered with Nature Connects by 2017 (10 m expected);
  • 221 articles published in press and media (200);
  • 1 000 registered “reporters” of indicated areas;
  • 10 big events organised;
  • 10 000 visitors on the webpage;
  • 50 best practice projects;
  • 10 awarded focus areas and projects;
  • 500 mounted outdoor signs.