Knowledge transfer DAW Alblasserwaard Vijfheerenlanden

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A knowledge transfer project to raise dairy farmers’ awareness about reducing nutrient leaching and run-off in order to improve water quality.

Full Project description EN PDF icon (296.56 KB)
Project summary: 

The grass-roots knowledge transfer project ‘DAW Alblasserwaard-Vijfheerenlanden’ aims to raise awareness about nutrient leaching and run-off on dairy farms. With a focus on the better use of minerals and on how to make farming more climate resilient, dairy farmers share their knowledge, experience and concerns with experts on topics such as: optimising nutrient cycles, reducing yard leaching and underwater drainage.

Project results: 

The project has reached approximately 220 dairy farmers, with a broad age range. Recommended actions and information about water management has been successfully disseminated.

Far-reaching communications and dissemination have meant that farmers in a wide area have also had an opportunity to learn about water management and the need to reduce nutrient leaching and run-off.