Implementing organic agriculture in Sardinia

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A Sardinian agricultural company applied for RDP support in order to maintain its organic agriculture production systems.

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Project summary: 

The newly formed agricultural company ‘STF S.R.L. Semplificata Agricola’, is located in the municipality of Sardara, in the province of Southern Sardinia. The company has a diverse production system including arable crops, vegetable production both outdoors and in greenhouses, as well as vineyards.
All of the farm’s crops had been converted into organic, even before the new company was formed, and thus the owners applied for RDP support in order to maintain the practice of organic agriculture.

Project results: 

The continuation of organic agriculture will allow the hydrogeological protection on the farm’s soil, the conservation of biodiversity, as well as the absorption of atmospheric carbon. 
The planned activities will also allow to create added value by combining the protection of the landscape and its resources for the future, while producing high quality healthy products.