Ilmastosoturit (Climate Warriors) – Fighting against carbon emissions and climate change

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  2. English

CAP funds help Finnish farmers better understand carbon sequestration best practices.

Project summary: 

Agriculture can play a key role in addressing the carbon sequestration challenge and it is important to increase farmers’ knowledge of how to bind carbon in the soil cost-effectively. This cooperation project on 10 pilot Finnish farms measured the carbon sequestration of fields and examined the economic benefits of carbon farming. The project tested the effectiveness of different carbon farming practices and organised awareness raising, training and dissemination activities aimed at farmers and consumers, championing the important role of agriculture in carbon sequestration.

Project results: 

Research data from this project increased understanding of carbon sequestration and the effects of carbon farming on the soil’s growth conditions and nutrient circulation. This data helps the agri-food sector plan effective targeted carbon farming practices.