Food Plan of the Biosphere Reserve "Mariñas Coruñesas e Terras do Mandeo"

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A Local Action Group (LAG) developed a multi-agency partnership programme to create a consolidated food system that stimulates organic production, processing, and consumption.

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Project summary: 

The Mariñas Coruñesas e Terras do Mandeo Biosphere Reserve covers an area of more than 116,000 hectares and 17 municipalities. The internationalization of food production and the increasing abandonment of traditional agricultural activities have led to a loss of biodiversity and environmental heritage. In response to this, the area’s LAG developed a multi-agency partnership programme which brought local farmers, agri-food industries, distribution companies, consumer groups, the hotel and catering industry, research centers, foundations, and the public administration together to create ‘The Food Plan’: a consolidated food system that stimulates local organic production, processing, and consumption.

Project results: 

The Food Plan has led to the creation of six new organic farms, the launch of two nurseries for agricultural entrepreneurship, a network of restaurants that use local products, and the development of the local market in six municipalities. 

The Eco Comedores school canteen programme has brought together 12 schools, reaching more than 2,000 children.

The link between the rural environment and the city of A Coruña has been strengthened through the development of the service economy with greater awareness of and visibility for the Biosphere Reserve.