Farm Enterprise Competition

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Welsh rural development competition inspires innovation among young sheep farmers.

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Project summary: 

A farming organisation from Wales in the United Kingdom used RDP funds to help implement a ‘Farmer Enterprise Competition’. The livestock husbandry contest was organised to encourage young farmers to experiment with innovative methods for rearing local sheep breeds. Competition organisers provided both the lambs (of the same breed) and the land (on the same research farm). Teams of candidates did not need to deal with the day-to-day husbandry of the animals but they had full responsibility for the grazing strategies, animal health planning, use of Information technology, and lamb selection etc. A panel of specialist judges was also recruited by the project to follow the teams’ progress.


Project results: 

Winning teams won their prize for their achievements in sound cropping decisions.

The results were analysed and widely publicised through regional farm advisory services. This helped the knowledge and innovations gained to reach and benefit a broad range of livestock farmers.