Digi-Hub for Elderly People

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A small, remote rural community of around 1 300 inhabitants in Finland launched a Digi-Hub for the elderly.

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Project summary: 

Digitalisation and online services are considered a way of improving services in general in sparsely populated rural areas. The Suodenniemi Association that supports local development in a remote village in the Tampere region had the idea to establish a digital hub and advisory point in a village library.

The hub helps elderly people to benefit from digitalisation and quickly emerging new online services related to health, banking, shopping and social relations, among others.

Project results: 

The IT professional has been able to assist around three people per day

Many private companies, such banks, pharmacies and software suppliers, which have closed down their physical service points in Suodenniemi have been very committed to playing a part in the project, through their e-services.