Development of Popsi Kitchen in Estonia

  1. Polski niedostępny
  2. English

A bakery and patisserie in rural Estonia used CAP funds through the LEADER measure to realise a series of investments, making the business more competitive and attractive to customers.

Project summary: 

A bakery and patisserie, managed by a young entrepreneur, used funds through the LEADER measure to modernise and increase its competitiveness. Through three subsequent LEADER projects, the owner-manager of Popsi Kitchen upgraded her appliances and increased the electrical capacity of the building to handle increased production capacity. She also renovated the historic façade of the building in order to preserve it and increase the attractiveness of her business.

Project results: 

Thanks to these investments, Popsi Kitchen has become one of the best-known manufacturers of culinary, bakery and confectionery products in Viljandimaa, Southern Estonia. Popsi Kitchen is also considered an important tourist attraction of the region, where passers-by as well as tourist groups stop.

The bakery has secured jobs for another six women, all under 40 years of age.