Cooperative ‘Vun der Atert’ – A community based model for quality meat production

  1. Polski niedostępny
  2. English

An integrated, community focussed model for quality meat production based on short supply chains, working together, and exchanging experiences between consumers and producers.

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Project summary: 

Using support from the LEADER measure, producers and consumers formed a partnership which developed a community-based meat production model. The concept was tested by five local breeders. 

Consumers pre-pay the farmers for a period of six months or one year and, in return, they receive insights and influence the production process. For example, consumers can give the farmer a low-cost loan to enable the construction of a courtyard, or to convert to organic production. The cooperative is in charge of logistics and administration while a local butcher is commissioned with the preparation of the boxes and distribution.

Project results: 

The initiative helped producers and consumers to understand each other better. Farmers can now focus more on the needs of consumers and consumers learn about the work of food producers.
Within a couple of months, 85 participants ordered the ‘meat aboboxes’, which project promoters considered a very promising result.