Case Study: Fast-track administrative procedures for smaller RDP projects in Scotland

Scotland’s RDP has adopted simplified administration systems that include a ‘two-tier’ application process for RDP grants. This was introduced to provide proportionate ‘fast-track’ procedures for projects requiring smaller amounts of RDP funding.

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Project summary: 

This methodological case study explores the simplified administration system – including a ‘two-tier’ application process for grants and ‘fast-track’ procedures for projects requiring smaller amounts of funding – implemented in the Scottish Rural Development Programme.

Project results: 

It is on going case including different approaches.  ‘Level one’ of the two-tier process is used for applications up to a value of £75,000 (circa €100 000 equivalent), which will be assessed and approved locally in the region where the farm is located. ‘Level two’ is applied for applications above £75,000, which will be considered nationally by a panel of experts from government departments and appropriate agencies, with stakeholder input.