New Factsheet! - Approaches used for Evaluating the Impact of the CAP on Habitats, Landscapes and Biodiversity

This factsheet focuses on the approach and methodologies used in the evaluation support study published by the European Commission on the impact of the CAP on habitats, landscapes, and biodiversity. Read now!

EU Research Projects Supporting Data Collection for Evaluation

Learn more about a selection of EU funded projects currently working on innovations for data collection which can support monitoring and evaluation. Read now!

New Evaluation Back to Basics Pages!

New Back to Basics Pages! Learn about FADN, Data Managment, the Performance Monitoring and Evaluation Framework, and much more! Read now!

The European Commission launched a Public Consultation on the Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas

Today, the European Commission launched a public consultation on the Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas. The initiative will set out a vision for the future of rural areas by 2040. The deadline to apply is 30 November 2020.

Roadmap on the Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas

The European Commission welcomes feedback on the Roadmap for the adoption of a Communication on the Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas, announced for Spring 2021. Contributions welcome until 9 September 2020!

ENRD Evaluation Helpdesk Good Practice Workshop: Assessment of resource efficiency and climate

The Good Practice Workshop No 14 has the overall objective to reflect on experiences in relation to the assessment of resource efficiency and climate, with a view to preparing the ex-post evaluation of RDPs 2014-2020 and helping to identify lessons for the related future CAP indicators

networX - Final agenda now available!

On 11-12 April, over 400 rural development enthusiasts will gather in Brussels for ' networX ', the event building on ten years of rural development networking. The a genda is now available online.

networX - Inspiring Rural Europe

Wydarzenie net wor X dotyczyło wartości tworzenia sieci dla rozwoju obszarów wiejskich, wyników ostatnich dziesięciu lat budowania sieci oraz proaktywnych prognoz na przyszłość.

New Report! - A journey through evaluation plans: Learning from past experiences for the future CAP

This report summarises the major outcomes of the Good Practice Workshop, ‘A journey through evaluation plans: Learning from past experiences for the future CAP’ Download the report here .

Public consultation on the impact of the CAP on biodiversity, soil and water - closing soon!

A public consultation by the European Commission aims to gather information and feedback from stakeholders and the wider public in relation to the impact of the CAP on biodiversity, soil and water. An online questionnaire is available until 22 October 2020.
