LEADER innovates rural Europe

In the second video of the LEADER achievements series, Local Action Groups from Belgium, Czech Republic and Spain show and explain LEADER connects rural communities.


Discover articles on: From the AIR in 2019 to the ex ante evaluation of the CAP Strategic Plan Linking result indicators and specific objectives Getting to know Sophie Helaine Head of Unit C.4 ‘Monitoring and Evaluation’ Expand your knowledge of: Data Management for the Assessment of RDP Effects...

ONLINE GOOD PRACTICE WORKSHOP: ‘Data management for the assessment of RDP effects’

The ENRD Evaluation Helpdesk is pleased to invite you to the Online Good Practice Workshop, ‘Data management for the assessment of RDP effects’. This workshop will take place online on 13-14 May 2020.

The factsheet on rural jobs

The factsheet on rural jobs produced in the frame of the ENRD workshop on Vibrant rural areas: Rural Jobs is now published. It provides an overview of key findings of the workshop including actions and practical examples how to improve rural employment.

Summary Report: Synthesis of the Evaluation Components of the Enhanced AIRS 2019: Chapter 7

This report is a synthesis of the evaluation components included in Chapter 7 of the enhanced AIRs 2019 to provide an overview of the achievements of the EU’s rural development policy. Read the report now!

New Back to the Basics Section ONLINE!

The Back to Basics Section of the ENRD website presents basic evaluation related information on a variety of topics in order to provide rural development stakeholders with an overview of the basic concepts that can serve to help those who are unacquainted with the evaluation process, the actors...

Evaluation-related Queries Updated!

This working document compiles a selection of evaluation-related queries raised by the Member States between 2016 and 2019. Answers were prepared by the European Evaluation Helpdesk for Rural Development in collaboration with the responsible Commission services. Read the new updated Working...

How to demonstrate RDP achievements and impacts: lessons learned from the evaluations reported in the AIR 2019

The ENRD Evaluation Helpdesk is pleased to invite you to the Good Practice Workshop, ‘How to demonstrate RDP achievements and impacts: lessons learned from the evaluations reported in the AIR 2019’. This workshop will take place on 11-12 December 2019 in Seville, Spain. Download the Draft Agenda !

Upcoming CLLD event in Brussels

A wide range of CLLD stakeholders will gather in Brussels on 3-4 December 2019 for the 4th joint CLLD event on ‘Post 2020: Local Action in a Changing World’.

Post 2020: Local action in a changing world

A wide range of CLLD stakeholders will gather in Brussels on 3-4 December 2019 for the 4th joint CLLD event on ‘Post 2020: Local Action in a Changing World’ where they will be sharing their knowledge and experience from across the European Structural and Investment Funds.
