Thematic Working Group 8 - Working Package 1: Balanced Territorial Development

Download Working Package 1: Assessment of RDP effects on achieving balanced territorial development of rural economies and communities

Report Online! - Data Management for the Assessment of RDP Effects

This report summarises the major outcomes of the Good Practice Workshop, 'Data Management for the Assessment of RDP Effects', which was hosted by the European Evaluation Helpdesk for Rural Development. Read the report now!

New Factsheet! - Assessing the Use of Pesticides in the Estonian RDP 2014-2020

This new factsheet focuses on the assessment of pesticide utilisation load in Estonia. Download the factsheet now!

Targets for Farm to Fork Strategy and Biodiversity Strategy discussed by EU Agricultural Ministers

Monday’s meeting of the Member States’ Agricultural Ministers included a focus on the latest priorities for the Common Agricultural Policy such as the recently published Farm to Fork Strategy and Biodiversity Strategy as well as their contributions to the European Green Deal.

Have your say on climate change!

The European Commission has launched a public consultation to gather citizens’ views on ways to step up climate action and further cut greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.

Facing the challenges of broadband deployment in rural and remote areas

The Broadband Competence Offices Network has published the new Handbook: ‘ Facing the challenges of broadband deployment in rural and remote areas ’.

COVID-19: European Commission adopts package of measures to further support the agri-food sector

The European Commission has published the latest package of exceptional measures to further support the agricultural and food sectors most affected by the coronavirus crisis.

State aid: Commission approves €100 million Italian guarantee scheme

The European Commission has approved a €100 million Italian State aid scheme to support SMEs in the agriculture, forestry, fishery and aquaculture sectors affected by the coronavirus outbreak.

LEADER Empowers video

In the third video of the LEADER achievements series, Local Action Groups from Belgium, Czech Republic and Spain show and explain LEADER connects rural communities.

Working Package 4: Preparing for the ex ante evaluation of the CAP Strategic Plan ONLINE!

Tool 4.1 provides examples of guiding questions for the appraisal of the planned monitoring, data collection and implementation arrangements of the CAP Strategic Plan. Check out the new Working Package 4!
