Slovenian NRN Virtual Stall

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Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food

Stall description

Slovenia is a country of forests. We present the successful restoration process of our forests after natural disasters resulting from climate change. The whole restoration process is special due to its sustainable approach. Meet also a Rural Inspirational Award finalist who restored forests damaged by natural disasters with financing from Measure 8.4 of the RDP 2014-2020. 

You can also find out more about the vision of rural areas through a gallery of pictures from a school children competition "No farmer, no Food" and short videos on young farmers from the national TV project "Green generation".

Find out how CLLD was successfully implemented in Slovenia and watch short videos to learn about some successful projects.

You can also find selected EIP projects that have the potential for cross-border cooperation: fruit growers and pollinators, hay meat and milk, irrigation systems in olive groves, corn cob as a renewable energy source and new automated technologies for grape production in vineyards. 




Good practices of young farmers "Green generation"
We are presenting some of the short formats of shows #Green Generation - Young Village Folk, which informs and raises awareness of open issues of European agriculture and development in rural areas based on current issues. We are presenting the change of generations in food production, which is also one of the nine priorities of the common agricultural policy after 2020.
  • Martina Veršnik takes care for a thousand of olive trees
  • Gregor Božič has planted an orchard with 60 old fruit species in Goriška Brda
  • Miha Kobal develops a project of growing garlic, onions and potatoes on a well known Šentvid plateau above 800 m
  • Timotej Kovač is convinced that livestock farming is a part of a closed natural cir
  • Žiga and Barbara are selling organic hay meat directly to customers



Sustainable forestry in response to the climate change of the future

Future of the rural Europe are in hands of young people

Web Links

CLLD - an effective measure for the future local need

EIP projects with solutions to the challenges of the future

  • Fruit growers for pollinators and pollinators for fruit growers
  • New technologies for production of grapes in vineyards
  • New technologies for production of grapes in vineyards - more
  • Installation of irrigation systems in olive groves
  • Corn cob as a renewable energy source
  • Hay meat and milk