Portuguese NRN Virtual Stall

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Rede Rural Nacional

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Here you will find some of the most relevant projects being developed in Portugal to better face the challenges ahead, overcome barriers and contribute to bringing about competitive, attractive and cohesive rural areas.  

Some of the most relevant Rural Development entities were invited to bring some examples of the best practices, such as MINHA TERRA - Portuguese federation of local development associations, ANIMAR - Portuguese Association for Local Development, IN LOCO Association, BONS SONS Festival – from Cem Soldos Village and Municipality of Mértola.

These projects enable the implementation of innovative, inclusive and sustainable solutions tailored to Portugal’s rural regions.  

In our perspective, the future of rural areas in Portugal and in Europe should be generationally balanced and capable of producing high-quality products and services with significant added value, as well as contributing to the quality of life and well-being of all those who live in these areas or want to invest and settle there. 


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