Polish NRN Virtual Stall

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Krajowa Sieć Obszarów Wiejskich

Stall description

The Polish Rural Network, together with its Innovation Network, present rural development leaders' visions for rural areas in 2040. Key topics include thematic villages, LEADER groups, youth engagement, creating rural brands and local hubs. We have brought together in one place:

  • the discussions on the different visions for Poland's rural areas in 2040, as organised by the Polish Rural Network, the Polish Rural Forum and the Local Action Group Gościniec 4 Żywiołów. Have a read through the reports or watch a video summarising ten discussion topics. We have also gathered the Polish comments submitted to the European Commission's consultation on the long-term vision;
  • examples of actions taken by a variety of rural inhabitants, farmers, NGOs and businesses. They bring to life the aspirations of rural inhabitants, address environmental and climate challenges as well as embrace innovative farming approaches.



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