SHERPA Virtual Stall

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SHERPA H2020 – Sustainable Hub for Engaging into Rural Policies with Actors

Stall description

Come and visit the SHERPA virtual stall and find out more about our contribution to the Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas. 

The Horizon 2020-funded project published its first Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas position paper by building on the contributions of 20 regional and national-level Multi-Actor Platforms (MAPs), as well as an EU-level MAP. These platforms include experts, organisations and other relevant stakeholders from civil society, research and policy study bodies from 17 European countries. 

You will learn how the multi-actor platforms carried out their work on the vision, reaching out and engaging with over 1100 participants across Europe. 

Check out the panel discussion videos from our SHERPA Conference 2020 on 'Acting on the Long-Term Vision now!' and 'Engaging with rural stakeholders through Multi-Actor Platforms'.

Our ambassadors will be happy to discuss SHERPA's vision for the future of rural areas with you. Follow us online for more updates and exchange with us at our virtual stall. 


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