RURITAGE Virtual Stall

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RURITAGE – Heritage for Rural Regeneration

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RURITAGE European Vision paper - Thinking beyond the COVID-19 crisis: heritage-based opportunities for rural regeneration. With the help of the RURITAGE methodology, that uses cultural and natural heritage as a driver for rural regeneration by promoting a transversal and holistic approach through six identified Systemic Innovation Areas (Pilgrimage, Local Food Production, Art and festival, Landscape Management, Migration and Resilience), the paper summarizes how challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic in rural areas can be turned into opportunities for sustainable growth in the future. In the paper process, we built a collection of covid response actions from all over the world (accessible online) and gathered insights from a workshop with the RURITAGE general assembly. The major conclusions of the Vision paper are recommendations focusing on six capitals (natural, cultural, social, human, built, and financial), where we identified three overarching areas of action that are applicable at EU, national/regional and local level.




A recorded webinar hosted by RURITAGE: "Which opportunities for the future of rural areas after the COVID-19? How to turn challenges into opportunities to enhance permanent social resilience in rural areas?". On the 8th of July, RURITAGE experts discussed this issue with representatives from the EU Commission, the Council of Europe, and the European Network for Rural Development.
