RUBIZMO Virtual Stall

Teaser video


Greenovate! Europe on behalf of RUBIZMO

Stall description

RUBIZMO is a European initiative working to foster sustainable growth and job creation in rural areas by looking for the vital ingredients for developing entrepreneurship and successful business models in high potential sectors such as food and agriculture, new bio-based value chains and services.

In each of these three complementary and interlinked sectors, the project identified and analysed promising business models, creating the recipe for their successful replication. The key ingredients are now being shared across Europe through a set of practical tools supporting collaboration, entrepreneurship and business development in rural communities. Active coaching and peer-to-peer training will also be provided to rural entrepreneurs and networks to foster sustainable business transformation and facilitate the replication of innovative business ideas creating value for the economy, environment and society in equal measure.

The RUBIZMO project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement N◦773621.

