AURORAL Virtual Stall

Teaser video


CCDR Alentejo on behalf of H2020- AURORAL project

Stall description

The sustainable and resilient future of Europe relies on the diversity of its territories and the well-being of all Europeans. By designing digital platforms based on openness, interoperability and decentralisation, AURORAL aims to contribute to the long term vision for rural areas empowering citizens and stakeholders. That implies connecting civil society organisations, academia, business and policymakers, ensuring the participation of residents in designing and improving the development strategy of their territory and cooperating with other communities and social innovators. AURORAL's partners believe that the driving principles to bring long-lasting social, environmental and economic benefits are promoting the co-creation and co-development of new sustainable multi-interoperable apps and services. AURORAL aims to see and contribute to building a dense network of smart communities able to co-design and implement a common investment platform that will unlock resources and enable communities to succeed in their innovative and smart transformation.


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