LAG Profile


LAG code: 
Main ESI Fund: 
European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)
ESIF Programme:
Contact information
Spoken languages:
LAG email: 
LAG manager: 
Arcadie Ordodi
LAG manager email: 
+40 256 3602 78
Oras Jimbolia, str. Stefan cel Mare, nr. 9, jud. Timiș
- Timiș
Key themes of LAG strategy:
Additional information on the strategy: 

The association called <<Associatia "Grup de Actiune Locala Banat-Vest">>, hereinafter referred to as the LAG Banat-West or the association, is a legal person governed by private law with non-patrimonial purpose, independent, apolitical, established with the purpose of implementation of the Axis 4 LEADER from the National Program for Rural Development (NPRD) in the territory of the association, as a whole, and at the level of each of the 11 local administrative units (LAU), represented in the association, in particular through the development and the implementation of an integrated strategy for the local development, promoting partnerships of public-private partnerships, and the interconnection of local partnerships, cooperation between the local action groups (hereinafter referred to as the LAG’s), at regional, national and European level with a view to sustainable development and improved local governance through involvement and participation of the members of the communities represented by the LAG Banat-West to the process of local development.


The purpose of the association is to develop the area of ​​the localities included in this association by developing and implementing an integrated Local Development Strategy by managing European non-reimbursable funds in order to increase the competitiveness of the agricultural sector, improve the environment and the rural area, implicitly, the increase of the quality of life and the diversification of economic activities in the territory represented by the association.


General objectives:

to identify the immediate and prospective needs, in the areas of economic, socio-professional, public administration, democracy and local development, media and communications, legal cooperation, health, education, culture and heritage, problems of children and youth, environment and spatial planning;
to participate in major projects in the field of pre-school, primary, secondary and higher education, in adult education, to exploit jointly and to the advantage of all ideas, experiences and results in the field of research, to encourage participation in scholarships, promote relations and exchanges in the field of education, support the development of new education networks and encourage partnership, act to support university mobility and promote European recognition of diplomas, to develop programmes for the training of modern languages for European citizenship, to support the development of communication capacity and individual mobility;
to participate in major projects in pre-primary, primary, secondary and higher education, in adult education, to share in common and to the benefit of all research ideas, experiences and results, encourage participation in scholarships, promote relationships and exchanges in the field of education, support the development of new education networks and encourage partnership, act to support university mobility and promote the recognition of EU diplomas, and also to develop training programs for modern languages for European citizenship, support capacity building communication and individual mobility;
to organize seminars, symposiums, experience exchanges, study tours and documentation, internships, create collaborative networks between trainers and practitioners, carry out advertising activities for the benefit of the association and its purpose;
to support specific volunteer activities, civic participation and active citizenship;
to encourage young people to develop their personal and professional capacities;
to develop and diversify the non-formal and informal educational offer for young people;
to facilitate access to culture and increase cultural consumption among young people;
to support actions on information, counseling and career guidance;
to form healthy living behavior among young people; 
to develop the organizational and leadership skills of young people;

One of the specific objectives of our organization is participation in the inter-territorial, national and international cooperation projects.


In order to achieve the stated purpose and objectives, the association carries out a diverse range of activities, of which important for our project are:

- promoting and implementing programs and projects on the condition and promotion of young people, women and /or disadvantaged groups in rural and small urban areas;

- education and training for children and young people in order to make them responsible for preserving and perpetuating traditional local values.

Physical & demographic characteristics of LAG area:
Assets & land use of the LAG area:
Size of territory (km²): 
Number of entities in LAG decision body: 
Number of LAG staff: