Cooperation Offer

CulturActive – the story and the thrill

Offer name: 
CulturActive – the story and the thrill
Expiry date: 
Spoken languages:

Looking to cooperate with

Type of partner: 

We are looking for partners from all Europe who have an interest in developing local tourism through cooperation with local action groups from a wide range of countries. We want to promote our cultural heritage and at the same time we want the people from our territory to get accustomed to other cultures as well. We are interested in working with people that share an interest in their local heritage and want to promote it and through this project we will be able to additional values to the local tourism opportunities.

Type of area:
Assets of the area:

Project idea

Project type:
Project topic:

An integrated approach to tourism - areas focus around one aspect of their touristic potential, marketing themselves as an area focused around outdoor activities (winter or summer sports) or a cultural destination (be it built or cultural heritage). But most areas have, besides their main selling point, other categories of tourist objectives. These could be mended together, so that they can attract a wider audience. This way, tourists visiting for activities can also enjoy a cultural experience (by introducing them to local dishes, or having the possibility to explore cultural objectives – adapted so they will have an interactive side as well), by marketing a story that comes with the thrill. Also, tourists visiting for the cultural aspect can also be encouraged to be more active (take breaks for sporting activities during their holiday, or encouraging them to be more physically active during their visit - biking or hiking between different objectives, place a component of geocaching or gamifying their holiday).
Marketing tourism for a wider audience - tourism needs to be transnational, needs to be addressed to potential visitors from around the world, through proper marketing, signposting and also methods and instruments for overcoming the potential language barrier.

Project idea summary: 

In order for us to develop a framework for an integrated approach in managing am promoting tourist resources among project partner, we will want to focus on these activities.
The first one is to assess the touristic resources by analysing all the elements contributing to the touristic potential of the region. The information gathered will be disseminated between partners in order to share the know-how we gathered during the analysis.
The second step that we are going to do is generating an action plan for policy change and common implementation by creating tourist development strategies, local sub-plans that will contribute to the general strategy
The last step will be the cross-partner implementation of the action plan by implementing common platform and generate tourism products through it.


1. Exchanging good practices and techniques among project partners.
2. Promote the touristic potential of the network’s partners at an international level
3. Create a common platform for promoting local tourism and for disseminating project results.