LAG Profile

Association "Grupul de Acțiune Locală Transcarpatica"

LAG code: 
Main ESI Fund: 
European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)
ESIF Programme:
Contact information
Spoken languages:
LAG email: 
LAG manager: 
Ioana-Magdalena Nan
LAG manager email: 
+40 766 0544 45
comuna Bran, str. Valea Grajdului, nr.2, jud. Brașov
- Brașov
Key themes of LAG strategy:
Additional information on the strategy: 

LEADER represented and represents for the LAG Association "Grupul de Acțiune Locală Transcarpatica" an opportunity to harness the resources in the territory of Bran-Moieciu-Fundata, to generate development and improve local governance. The LAG Association "Grupul de Acțiune Locală Transcarpatica" was formed in the year 2013 in response to the needs of an area with important development potential, but not yet put in value in a unified form.

Physical & demographic characteristics of LAG area:
Assets & land use of the LAG area:
Municipalities covered: 
Bran, Moieciu, Fundata
Sub-municipal level: 

Bran, Predelut, Simon si Sohodol, Moieciu de Jos, Pestera, Magura, Moieciu de Sus, Cheia, Fundata, Fundatica, Sirnea.