LAG Profile

Lokalna Grupa Działania - Przyjazne Mazowsze

LAG code: 
Main ESI Fund: 
European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)
ESIF Programme:
Contact information
Spoken languages:
LAG email: 
LAG manager: 
Danuta Kucińska
LAG manager email: 
48 236 6131 61
ul. Sienkiewicza 11
09-100 Płońsk
Key themes of LAG strategy:
Additional information on the strategy: 

Short description of the area

The area of Local Action Group-Friendly Mazovia consists of 10 rural boroughs and 1 municipal borough: Baboszewo, Czerwińsk nad Wisłą, Dzierzażnia, Joniec, Naruszewo, Nowe Miasto, Płońsk, Sochocin, Załuski, Raciaż (rural borough) and Raciaż (municipal borough). As for administrative division this area belongs to the Mazowieckie Voivodship, the Płońsk District. The total land area is 1368,19 ha and there are 66 thousands of inhabitants. It is typically characterized lowland landscape. The dominant trend is the decline in population, society in the LAG area is aging. It is characteristic of the outflow of young people to larger urban centers. The area is about 60 km from the Warsaw agglomeration and is primarily agricultural. This place is the predominance of micro-enterprises being run as one-person business small and medium enterprises.

Our main goals of the LDS that result from the area diagnosis, SWOT analysis and consultation with the inhabitants are:

1.Economic development of  LGD-Friendly  Mazovia  area based on entrepreneurship

2.Development of "weekend offer" for tourists and inhabitants, based on their natural and cultural resources

3.Stimulation of  activity and social responsibility of the inhabitants

MISSION OF THE LOCAL ACTION GROUP—FRIENDLY MAZOVIA - first of all, the area is attractive for settling down “so that one wanted to live here”; favorable to the development of the local enterprise; the centre of weekend tourism; the area known in the region for its local product.

The help of the Local Action Group is directed to the inhabitants of the communes of the area covered by the Local Development Strategy, in particular entrepreneurs, farmers, creators, representatives of the organizations and institutions, local leaders and all those who have the idea for the development of the region and the improvement of its attractiveness. We want to ensure that the learning from our experience can be used and from elsewhere can be transferred to improve condition of live in rural area. We assist in the sharing and implementation of innovative ways of running business.

Our strengths are: specialized farms, potential direct sales of local products, also processed such as milk, meat, eggs, apples, strawberries (strawberry basin), raspberries, potatoes, organic cereals, herbs. In our area there are local manufacturers who return to old products. The LGD-PM area is proud of the "Skołatowo pork fat - a delicacy of hunter" listed on the List of Traditional Products in 2010 or the ham "Skołatowska ham heir" marinated and smoked according to the old recipe received the highest award - Pearl 2015 - in the 15th edition of the nationwide competition "Our Culinary Heritage-Tastes Regions”. Bread from a local bakery also pays tribute to old recipes. "Bread Manor", baked with potatoes in traditional style in a small bakery in Czerwińsk, received the third prize in the culinary contest "Our Culinary Heritage - Tastes of the Regions" in 2010, and in the 12th edition of this contest was awarded the "rye bread" also from Czerwińsk.

The uniqueness of the Local Action Group area comprises of the following elements: closeness to Warsaw, cultural heritage, relations to Jewish history, Sienkiewicz route, Sochocin button made of river shell, orchard of strawberries and other fruit, as well as protected landscapes areas —Poland’s “Green Lungs”.

On the territory of the Local Action Group one can encounter historic farm complexes proving the agricultural nature of the region. The area is characterized by the numerous manor houses, palace complexes and parks —the remains of the estates. In Potyry (Naruszewo commune), on the cemetery of round amphors from the period of Neolithic, there is the oldest horse grave in Europe. What is interesting is the fact that Sarbiewo (Baboszewo commune) is the birthplace of the priest Maciej Kazimierz Sarbiewski. Born in 1596, he was a poet, literature theoretician, philosopher honored by the pope Urban VIII with laurels, the most prestigious decoration for poets of those times, comparable today with Nobel Prize.  Tourists are attracted by the tourist bicycle trails, including: The Blue Trail along Wkra from Cieksyn to Pomiechówek —19.8 km, The Green Trail across the strip of Pomiechowo forests —37.8 km, The Red Trail among the fields and forests of uplands —21.8 km. The essential element of perceiving this region is Złotopolice village which has become popular thanks to “Złotopolscy” TV series.

Municipalities covered: 
Baboszewo, Czerwińsk nad Wisłą, Dzierzążnia, Joniec, Naruszewo, Nowe Miasto, Płońsk, Raciąż, Sochocin, Załuski