Cooperation Offer

What a village is a different song or known and unknown local products

Offer name: 
What a village is a different song or known and unknown local products
Expiry date: 
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Great Britain (Scotland)

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Project idea

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The idea for the project was born as a result of analyzing the problems and needs of the inhabitants during the consultative meetings in the communes and the SWOT analysis in 2014 and 2015. Participants have identified strengths in our area such as: specialized farms, potential direct sales of products, also processed such as milk, meat, eggs, apples, strawberries, raspberries, potatoes, organic cereals, herbs. The total area is 1368,19 ha and there are 57 thousands of inhabitants. It is typically characterized lowland landscape. The dominant trend is the decline in population, society in the LAG area is ageing. It is characteristic of the outflow of young people to larger urban centers. The area is about 60 km from the Warsaw agglomeration and is primarily agricultural. On the territory one can encounter historic farm complexes proving the agricultural nature of the region. The area is rich in cultural heritage, manor houses, palace complexes and parks —the remains of the estates. This place is the predominance of micro-enterprises being run as one-person business small and medium enterprises
In the area there are local manufacturers who cultivate old recipes of products. Some products are listed on the List of Traditional Products run by the Ministry of Agriculture and awarded in the nationwide competition "Our Culinary Heritage-Tastes Regions”. Attention was also paid to good conditions for the development of tourism, especially the weekend tourism, attractive areas situated on the Wkra river and the Vistula River as well as protected landscapes areas —Poland’s “Green Lungs”. The area is characterized by the numerous tourist bicycle trails. The weak point is the lack of a promoted and stable brand of local product and local markets. Therefore, our project is aimed at creating conditions and tools for the development of products under the common brand of Friendly Mazovia. This will create new sources of income for farms and services and will make the tourist offer of our area more attractive.

Project idea summary: 

The aim of the international cooperation project is to develop tourism through the creation of local products broadly understood, including food products and artefacts and other products such as souvenirs, arts and crafts, everyday objects, cultural and educational initiatives and services, in particular agrotourism, gastronomy. Our task will be to identify and inventory local products in the LAG area - Friendly Mazovia, with special attention to those that have not yet been discovered and to create conditions for their promotion or direct sale in local food companies. This will create new sources of income for farms and services and will make the tourist offer of area more attractive. We want to share knowledge, experiences and ideas with people in other rural areas from our region and from the EU, especially in the use of local products to build the area's brand and enterprise development. We are interested in working together with our partners to find better solutions to rural problems and challenges.


Familiarize and popularize the identified local products in the area, promote the brand of the local product, create conditions for direct sales of products by manufacturers and farmers.
Within the scope of the task, research will be conducted to inventory local resources and local products and competition for local product “Friendly dwarf - local brand”. Product or service to obtain a promotional sign "Friendly dwarf - Local brand” should be produced in LDS municipalities, safe for human life and health and the environment, produced by natural methods from natural ingredients, referring to the local cultural heritage, can be ecological. The products will be promoted by recording a promotional film and installing in selected commune a large outdoor screen, where local products will be presented under the brand name Friendly Mazovia. The large outdoor screen will also be used for the presentation of the tourist attractions of the area. Prize winners will participate in study tours to foreign and Polish partners. We want to share good practices and ideas with our partners especially in the use of local products to build the area's brand and enterprise development.
The project is directed to the inhabitants of the communes covered by the Local Development Strategy, in particular entrepreneurs, creators, representatives of the organizations and institutions, local leaders and to all those who have the idea for the development of the region and the improvement of its attractiveness.