Cooperation Offer

Linking Entrepreneurship in the Digital Sector and Social Economy

Offer name: 
Linking Entrepreneurship in the Digital Sector and Social Economy
Expiry date: 
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Looking to cooperate with

Type of partner: 

All countries interested in the link “Entrepreneurship in the digital sector “and “Social Economy”

Type of area:

Project idea

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“The Land of Fougères, Marches de Bretagne" is a French territory called outlying area, that is to say located near a metropolis : Rennes. To promote entrepreneurship, it envisages among other things to create a test tool dedicated to digital activities hosted by a "Cooperative of Activities and Employment" (CAE).
This experimental set up questions the boundaries between salaried and self-employed workers : the entrepreneur integrates a cooperative that allows him to become an employee and benefit from shared services.
We propose to include this action within the framework of cooperation, that is to say : - or launching on our territory a specialised digital test tool and exporting the model (setting up CAEs in separate territories) - or experimenting with the specialised digital CAE model, in conjunction with other Social Economy schemes attempted by other countries.

Project idea summary: 

"Social Economy" or more precisely what is called in France "Social and Solidarity Economy" brings together a set of structures that seek to reconcile social utility, solidarity, economic performance and democratic governance. On the basis of these principles, the objective is to experiment with new devices that encourage the creation of activities in the digital sector. Thus, the LAG of the "Pays de Fougères, Marches de Bretagne" is considering proposing a test tool in "Cooperative of Activities and Employment (CAE)" for the project holders in the digital sector. The principle is the following : entrepreneurs integrate a cooperative that allows them to become employees and benefit from shared services : accounting, tax and social hosting, training, networking .... They also participate in governance. For this project, "Pays de Fougères, Marches de Bretagne" is looking for another LAG ready to commit to this experiment or any other project falling within the scope of the Social Economy applied to the digital sector.


- Encouraging the accompaniment of entrepreneurship in the digital sector, ie experimenting with the concomitant creation of digital CAEs in at least two territories or on the LAG of the "Pays de Fougères, Marches de Bretagne", linked to other territories which would be on the way to put in place innovative devices falling within the scope of the Social Economy.
- Creating from there, a permanent work network allowing new entrepreneurs to exchange, find new customers.