LAG Profile

Leader Nouseva Rannikkoseutu

LAG code: 
Main ESI Fund: 
European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)
ESIF Programme:
Contact information
LAG email: 
LAG manager: 
Riikka Hautala
LAG manager email: 
Ruukinkuja 2
92400 Ruukki
Additional information on the strategy: 

LAG Nouseva Rannikkoseutu focuses on four kinds of actions strongly influencing to one another:
1) Actions that improve the quality of life in general: strengthens pleasance, vitality and co-operation.
2) Actions that improve employment and diversify sources of income and lines of business.
3) Actions that support sustainable development and good state of environment.
4) Actions that improve young peoples involvement in local development.


Physical & demographic characteristics of LAG area:
Municipalities covered: 
Hailuoto/Karlö, Liminka/Limingo, Lumijoki, Pyhäjoki, Raahe/Brahestad, Siikajoki, Tyrnävä