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This report summarises the major outcomes of the Good Practice Workshop, 'Assessment of Resource Efficiency and Climate', which was hosted by the European Evaluation Helpdesk for Rural Development. 

The fourteenth Good Practice Workshop 'Assessment of Resource Efficiency and Climate' took place online on 28-29 September 2020.The overall objective to reflect on experiences in relation to the assessment of resource efficiency and climate action, with a view to preparing the ex post evaluation of RDPs 2014-2020 and to identify lessons learned related to the future CAP indicators.

This document includes the updated fiches for answering Common Evaluation Questions 11 to 14 for the ex post evaluation of RDPs 2014-2020. These fiches have been updated by clarifying and updating data sources, clarifying methodologies to calculate gross and net values, proposing recommendations how to use indicators in the event of a lack of data and adding further examples and information sources.

This document includes the updated fiches of the environment-related complementary result indicators for the period 2014-2020. These fiches have been updated by clarifying definitions of indicators and their units of measurement, updating data sources, adding additional information where useful and proposing simplifications in the methodologies.

This factsheet focuses on the approach and methodologies used in the evaluation support study published by the European Commission on the impact of the CAP on habitats, landscapes, and biodiversity. 

Discover articles on:

  • Assessing RDP effects on achieving balanced territorial development of rural economies and communities
  • New technologies for monitoring agricultural activity: New IACs Vision in action (NIVA) project
  • Estimating impacts of EU RDP support through a regional quasi-experimental approach

Expand your knowledge of:

  • The Farm Accountancy Data Network

This report summarises the major outcomes of the Good Practice Workshop, 'Data Management for the Assessment of RDP Effects', which was hosted by the European Evaluation Helpdesk for Rural Development. 

The thirteenth Good Practice Workshop 'Data Management for the Assessment of RDP Effects' took place online on 13-14 May 2020.The overall objective of this Online Good Practice Workshop was to reflect on the 2019 experiences in relation to data management with a view towards preparing for the ex post evaluation of RDPs 2014-2020 and identify necessary lessons relevant for future monitoring and evaluation.

This factsheet focuses on the assessment of pesticide utilisation load in Estonia. 

This document specifically highlights issues related to the use of the common result/target indicator ‘Percentage of rural population benefiting from new or improved services/infrastructures (ICT)’ to measure the achievements under the Focus Areas (FA) 6B (Result/Target Indicators R23/T22) and 6C (Result/Target Indicators R25/T24) in the 2014-2020 programming period.

This document highlights issues related to the use of the common result/target indicator ‘Jobs created in supported projects’ to measure the achievements under the Focus Areas (FA) 6A (Result Indicator R21 and Target Indicator T20) and 6B (Result Indicator R24 and Target Indicator T23) in the 2014-2020 programming period. 
