Tool 4.1- Examples of guiding questions for the appraisal of the measures planned to reduce the administrative burden on farmers and other beneficiaries of the CAP Strategic Plan

  1. Italiano non disponibile
  2. English
Publication date: 
November, 2021

Tool 4.1 Examples of guiding questions for the appraisal of the measures planned to reduce the administrative burden on farmers and other beneficiaries of the CAP Strategic Plan according to Articles 139.3 (f) of the COM (xxxx) xxx final (SPR).  

While the New Delivery Model has reduced the level of detailed legislation at EU level it has at the same time empowered the Member States to set rules and bring forward solutions to simplify the implementation of the CAP. It is therefore vital that the Member States describe in the CAP Strategic Plans the steps taken or planned to ensure simplification of the policy implementation at the level of the final beneficiaries.

The ex-ante evaluators will take an external, critical look to how the administrative burden perceived by beneficiaries has been analysed and reflected in the specifications in the CAP Strategic Plan and will give further recommendations how to simplify and reduce possible complexities for the beneficiaries.