List of complementary result indicators reported to European Commission in the AIRs submitted in 2019

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Publication date: 
July, 2021

These tables provide an overview of the reported values of complementary result indicators per Rural Development Programme, which Member States reported to the European Commission in 2019, via SFC. The indicator values were reported from the operations with primary, secondary and LEADER contributions. The complementary result indicator R2 was calculated based on the operations, which are programmed to contribute primarily to the Focus Areas (FA) 2A, environment-related indicators R13, R14, R15, R18 and R19 were calculated based on the operations, which are programmed to contribute primarily to the FA 5A, 5B, 5C and 5D. A number of RDPs included the operations which are programmed under other focus areas than above mentioned and could show secondary contributions to the indicators. Some RDPs also assessed LEADER contributions to the FAs 2A, 5A, 5B, 5C and 5D.