Participatory foresight analysis on the future potential role of small farms and small food businesses in food and nutrition security

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The SALSA project aimed to assess the capacity of small farms and small food businesses to contribute to food and nutrition security under alternative future scenarios for 2030, 2050 to identify the main determinants of their capacity to respond.

A participatory foresight analysis was used, with three components:

The structure of the participatory foresight workshops included:

  • Visioning to assess the potential/desired role of small farms and small farm businesses in food and nutrition systems in 2030. Visioning is the process of creating a series of images or visions of the future. The term vision tends to be used to refer to a single and preferred future;
  • Backcasting, to develop action plans. The process of working backwards from the definition of a possible future, in order to determine what needs to happen to make this future unfold and connect to the present. Backcasting identifies what actions must be taken to get there in terms of policies, programs and international agreements, trade, behavioural changes, technologies and practices, capacity development, etc.
  • Development of regional scenario narratives, focusing particularly on the impact of such scenarios on small farms and small farm businesses and their contribution to food production, food and nutrition security;
  • Addressing resilience and vulnerability, to identify main threats that may influence the contribution of small farms to food production and food and nutrition security.
Relevance for monitoring and evaluation of the CAP

Ex ante evaluation: This participatory approach for forecasting and analysing future scenarios is very pertinent for an ex ante evaluation. The 'Participatory foresight analysis' is a useful tool for strategic planning in the context of the ex ante evaluation. It can help identify the potential of small farms and small farm businesses to contrinute to food security and therefore contribute to planning policy interventions.

The participatory approach engaged simultaneously multiple stakeholders and used foresight thinking to attenuate/deactivate stakeholders' vested interests and build consensus. By involving a range of pertinent stakeholders, this approach ensures they can make coordinated decisions on policy making after a careful analysis of the potential of small farms for contributing to food and nutrition security.

Such new tools are useful for 'visioning' (objectives and future targets) and for 'back casting' (from needed actions and interventions in the future back to the present). The scenario analysis helps evaluate/assess the proposed interventions under alternative future settings, and to check the robustness of proposed interventions.

An ex ante exercise using this participatory approach can contribute to a debate on the future of small farms and small farm businesses beyond their role in food and nutrition systems. Furthermore, this is intimately linked to other food system outcomes, namely the preservation of rural landscapes and environmental services and the support to employment and rural communities.

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