MATILDE toolbox

  1. Polski niedostępny
  2. English

The MATILDE toolbox is a set of techniques for quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis. It will be produced at the end of the project (2023). It will translate the methodological framework for the assessment of impacts into a fully-fledged transferable package of assessment tools for researchers and policy makers. The toolbox will be tested in 13 local case studies that represent different types of rural and mountain areas across Europe to test its transferability for local level assessments in other settings.

After testing, the MATILDE toolbox will be adapted to the specific needs of EU, national, regional and local policy makers, practitioners such as NGOs and public service providers, as well as researchers.

Testing the transferability of the MATILDE Toolbox will be based on a series of consecutive steps:

Relevance for monitoring and evaluation of the CAP

The MATILDE toolbox which will be finalised by 2023 will offer a combination of a quantitative approach (data collection based on the MATILDE matrix) with a qualitative one (field work, participatory techniques) to assess impacts. It is expected that the results of this assessment in the case study regions will confirm the transferability of the toolbox and any required adaptations for its use in other regions in Europe. It may become a useful alternative tool for the assessment of CAP impacts on social inclusion as well as the impacts of local development measures (LEADER) on improving the social fabric, cohesion and revitalisation of rural areas. LAGs need to become aware of the phenomenon of migration and be able to assess its potential impact on their territories.

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