An inventory of farming practices and their impacts on the environment and climate

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  2. English

The database currently includes 10 broad categories of farming practices. In the long term, the tool aims to include around 30 broad categories of farming practices.

The database utilises synthesis research papers. These papers synthesise the results of multiple individual research papers aimed at testing the same conceptual hypothesis. Synthesis studies may be:

The database reports each farming practice or a sub-category of it, with three types of fiches. The first type of fiche is called general fiche and summarises all the environmental and climate impacts found in the review of research papers for this practice. The second type of fiche is the single-impact fiche, which provides a deeper insight into each of the impacts of the farm practice (e.g. carbon sequestration, biodiversity) with more detailed information. There are as many impact fiches as impacts reported in the general fiche. The third type of fiche are summaries of each synthesis paper (the meta-analysis or systematic reviews) and consist of individual reports providing more comprehensive information about the results reported in each synthesis paper, particularly concerning the effects of soil, climate, and management practices.

The results of the literature review process are synthesised in three matrices. In the ‘matrix linking farming practices and PMEF impact indicators’ and the ‘matrix linking farming practices and PMEF result indicators’, each cell indicates the effect of each farming practice on the specific impact or result indicator correspondingly. The ‘overall matrix of the impacts’ indicates the effect of each farming practice on each specific issue of the CAP Specific Objectives 4, 5, 6 and 9. The effects are characterised as positive, negative, no effect, uncertain or no evidence based on the scientific evidence found in the synthesis paper review.

Relevance for monitoring and evaluation of the CAP

The database on the impacts of farming practices provides the evaluator with a fundamental scientific basis to design the evaluation of the expected impacts of measures that support/promote various farming practices that are supposed to be beneficial for the environment and the climate. Therefore, the database is a tool that can guide the planning stage of the evaluation. The information available in the database helps the evaluator to better frame the evaluation objectives and manage the evaluation resources towards the most critical effects.


The tool links the likely effects of farm practices with the following:

  • the Specific Objectives 4, 5, 6, and 9 of the CAP (link )
  • the Impact Indicators of the PMEF (link  )
  • the Result Indicators of the PMEF (link )


This background work is helpful because the evaluator does not need to start from scratch. Having a reasonably good idea of which impacts are likely to be essential, the evaluator can manage the human and financial resources accordingly.


In addition, the database supports the evaluator by summarising the most crucial information from critical reviews and meta-analyses and provides a reference to the original scientific review papers.

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