Geotagged photos to complement Earth Observation data

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This product will deploy a framework that will capture geotagged photos from the farmers with a high quality, which can be verified securely. The main idea is to utilise user-generated geotagged images as a reliable data collection mechanism that reduces field visits, saves time and resources. Photo data may complement gaps in land cover and land use data from EOs. Also, photos can convey the visual elements existing on a field that may not be detected in EOs even at a very high resolution. For example, signs of soil erosion or unique landscape features.

The DIONE geotagged photos mobile application will supplement the overall data collection process. The process will be triggered when the farmer receives a task/action by the Paying Agency Inspector through the mobile application to capture geotagged photos. It will include features that allow the user to receive and manage notifications about needed evidence, manage active tasks to provide photos for each parcel, navigate proper parcel locations, and collect photos supported by Augmented Reality (AR) features. Positional accuracy will be improved using multiple location differentiators and the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS). The data collection process will also be supported by a series of methods aiming to ensure the geotagged photos' integrity, validity, and anonymisation, including image forensics (i.e. techniques to detect potential manipulations and alterations in the acquired photos). This process will occur while verifying the origins and secure transmission of the data and the location and time integrity.

Relevance for monitoring and evaluation of the CAP

The information and data to be derived by geotagged photos supplement EOs and support monitoring. As such, the information derived from geotagged photos should not be considered a stand-alone data product.

For monitoring, reliable geotagged photos will minimise field visits allowing for broader coverage of controls. They will provide inspectors with a more comprehensive idea of the general issues in an area.

Due to the processes and mechanisms securing photo anonymisation, the photos may be available to evaluators. The information from photos can improve and supplement the quality of the data available for evaluation from the other tools of DIONE. For example, suppose the evaluation concerns soil erosion using EO biophysical markers. In that case, photos can cross-validate the presence or absence of gullies or other permanent erosional forms that are a prerequisite in using specific soil erosion models.   

In the long term, user-generated images may also contribute to research in evaluation methodologies by examining the possible application of landscape evaluation methodologies through images. The tool should be easily transferable to other areas and Member States since it only depends on the willingness of the farmers to participate.

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