Crop type map

One of the SALSA outputs was a crop type map with over 21 reference regions, 20 of them in the EU. This map aims to support the assessment of small farms’ role in contributing to food production and food security. The SALSA project aimed to demonstrate the benefits of remote sensing technology for providing accurate and timely information on crop types, extent of area, and yield estimates. Such information is crucial to objectively quantify the crop production capabilities of small farms.

Crop type maps of SALSA do not take into account crop rotation, since the aim was to calculate the number of plots with one crop type and with this the total area of that crop in small farm plots in a given region – and from there, also to estimate the production capacity of that crop on that region. For these two objectives, the rotation was not needed. The crop verification in the field was done for all EU regions, during summer, calculating this was the period where all plots in all EU would be under production.

To produce a crop type map with each reference region a methodological approach based on three steps was applied:

Relevance for monitoring and evaluation of the CAP

Crop type maps can become essential evaluation tools. Although they were developed by SALSA for the reference regions of the project, the methodological approach for developing these crop type maps can be replicated in other regions.

First, they can support evaluation by providing the detailed spatial allocation of crops more finely and precisely than CORINE. If linked to the LPIS, the information on crop types will be available for all farmers in an area including beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries of various measures. Second, these maps, together with IACS/LPIS data, can be used in the evaluation of specific environmental indicators. For example, they can be used to estimate irrigation water needs which is a good approximation for the PMEF impact indicator I.17 – Reducing pressure on water resources. The image processing of the crop type maps can facilitate the use of geospatial and geostatistical analyses in the evaluation of the CAP.

The crop type map is also a pre-requisite to a claimless system that supports the pre-filling of aid declarations. This is very important because it may lead to a higher level of automised collection of monitoring and, potentially, evaluation data.

A crop type map is also a ready to use monitoring tool for changes in farm structure and specially on land use – crop distribution.

Several conditions may limit the utility and functionality of E.O. used to produce the crop type map. The most critical limitation is the extent of parcels for which there is no definite crop identification. Inconclusive parcels may be due to specific E.O factors such as cloudiness or the prevalence of small parcels or difficulties in producing the algorithms to train and forecast crop type. Another difficulty is related to linking the crop type maps with the LPIS and IACS. The tool's adoption requires adaptation and application of the algorithms and training to recognize the crop types of the region or the MS. Adopting the tool assumes that the IT infrastructure is adequate and that the evaluator can use the data.

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