Appraisal of the assessment of needs including the SWOT

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  • Tool 2.1 – Examples of guiding questions supporting the appraisal of the assessment of needs including the SWOT: provides suggestions of what questions evaluators may wish to explore while appraising the SWOT and assessment of needs in the CAP Strategic Plan.  


  • Tool 2.2 – Analytical tables supporting the appraisal of the assessment of needs including the SWOT: these analytical tables can be used to record and structure relevant information needed for the ex ante assessment along the logical path from the analysis of the current situation to the SWOT analysis and the assessment of needs. 




The first stage of the ex ante evaluation begins with the appraisal of the assessment of needs including the SWOT. The SWOT analysis of the current situation forms the evidence basis for the assessment of needs. The assessment of needs serves as the basis for setting up the intervention strategy and for designing the interventions of the CAP Strategic Plan.

Therefore, the ex ante evaluator should ensure at an early stage that the foundation of the future intervention strategy is comprehensive, takes into account particular requirements for CAP specific objectives and provides an overall and evidence-based picture of the current situation of the area covered by the CAP Strategic Plan.

The logical path of the first stages of the ex ante evaluation is presented in the figure bellow:



The scope and tasks of the ex ante evaluation are specified in the legal proposal for the CAP Strategic Plan, regulation (COM/2018/392 final), Article 125.

The assessment areas covered in the following sections include:

  • Appraisal of the SWOT analysis of the current situation (Article 103(2))
  • Appraisal of the assessment of needs (Article 96)
  • Appraisal of how lessons learned from the implementation of the CAP in previous programming periods have been taken into account (Article 125(3)(a))


  • Defining what must be covered by the appraisal of the assessment of needs and the SWOT.
  • Understanding what constitutes a robust appraisal of the assessment of needs including SWOT.
  • Checking if the SWOT is comprehensive, complete, evidence-based and specific.
  • Checking that the assessment of needs is transparent, specific, complete and sufficiently prioritised.
  • Appraising the logical interlinkages between the SWOT analysis and the assessment of needs.
  • Appraising the active involvement of partners in the process of developing the assessment of needs including SWOT.