Do you not receive our communication? Learn how to whitelist the ENRD emails

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What does whitelist mean?

Whitelisting is the process of adding an email to an approved sender list in your email system, so emails from a legitimate sender (in this case the European Network for Rural Development) are never moved to your spam folder.

Whitelisting is not complicated but requires a few tests if you have never done it before. The process varies for different email clients (i.e., MS Outlook, Gmail, Hotmail, etc.). To make things easier for you, we have outlined whitelisting procedures for a few of the most popular email clients.

To whitelist the ENRD domain you may either follow the instructions below or contact your network administrator and/or IT support and ask to whitelist every sender from ENRD (

If you have any questions or need help with the whitelisting procedure, don’t hesitate to contact us at