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Community Action Programme to Combat Social Exclusion 2002-2006

Non-governmental Expert Reports on first National Action Plans (June 2001- June 2003)

Since December 2002, DG Employment and Social Affairs is assisted by a network of non-governmental experts in the field of social inclusion. The aim of the network is to provide information and analysis enabling the Commission to assess the implementation of the National Action Plans against poverty and social exclusion.


A first series of reports is now available, documenting how the NAPs/incl (2001-2003) were implemented and focusing on particular on the major policy measures, the institutional arrangements in place, the mobilization of all actors and possible changes in the context or political priorities


The publication of independent expert reports on the Commission website does not imply any endorsement of the report on the part of the Commission, neither on the part of the Members States.

  • Belgium en(pdf format)
  • Denmark en(pdf format)
  • Finland en(pdf format)
  • France fr(pdf format)
  • Germany en(pdf format)
  • Greece en(pdf format)
  • Ireland en(pdf format)
  • Italy en(pdf format)
  • Luxembourg fr(pdf format)
  • Netherlands en(pdf format)
  • Sweden en(pdf format)
  • UK en(pdf format)

  • Regional Indicators to reflect social exclusion and poverty


    The aim of the study is to identify the appropriate methodologies and strategies for the development of indicators of social exclusion and poverty at regional level.
    Given the likely limited scope for defining monetary poverty indicators at the regional level, attention should probably focus on the non-monetary dimension of social exclusion,e.g. relating to access to essential health services, education, transport, etc. and living and housing conditions, including social participation.

    Open Call for tender VT/2003/43 - "Regional indicators to reflect social exclusion and poverty"
    (Published in OJ 2003/S 96 - 85990 of 20.05.2003)

  • Policy Measures to ensure access to decent housing for migrants and ethnic minorities
  • Aim

    The aim of the study is to analyse and identify the most effective supply – side policy measures to ensure access to
    decent housing for migrants with legal status and people belonging to ethnic minority groups. It should also identify demand – side needs of migrants and ethnic minorities, as perceived by themselves and others, in order to evaluate how adequately supply is meeting demands.

    The objective that this contract intends to achieve is to assist the development of more coherent and integrated policies in relation to access
    to housing for migrants and ethnic minority people as part of the further development of Member States' NAPs/incl

    Open Call for tender VT/2003/44 " Policy Measures to ensure access to decent housing for migrants and ethnic minorities "
    (Published in OJ 2003/S 96 - 85986 of 20.05.2003)

  • How household structures and the roles of women and men affect poverty and social exclusion


    This contract is intended to fund analysis of how changes in household structures, informal support structures and the roles of women and men within the household can affect poverty and social exclusion.

    The study should allow answering a number of crucial questions like: how is the role of the family and the extended family changing in providing support to individuals? In particular, do changes in household structures, kinship networks, family support systems and the changing roles of women and men within the household impact on the well-being and social inclusion of household members? Which policies, institutional arrangements and practices meet families' needs? And, finally, what examples of good practices and what lessons can be drawn from the analysis?

    Open Call for tenderVT/2003/45 "How household structures and the roles of women and men affect poverty and social exclusion "
    (Published in OJ 2003/S 96 - 85988 of 20.05.2003)

  • Policy Measures to promote the use of Microcredit


    The aim of the study is to identify and analyse the most effective policy measures taken by EU Member States and Candidate Countries in the area of access to microcredit and related combinations of services (training, advices, peer support, networking, saving facilities…) for self-employement projects or microenterprises developments to people facing poverty or social exclusion.

    Open Call for tender VT/2003/46 " Policy Measures to promote the use of Microcredit "
    (Published in OJ 2003/S 96 - 85989 of 20.05.2003)


last update: 18/11/2003