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Directorate general for Employment and social affairs


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European Parliament Intergroup on Ageing meets Commissioner Flynn

Meeting with the European Parliament Intergroup on Ageing on 14 April, Commissioner Flynn expressed great optimism about the possibilities for doing more for older people in particular need as the Amsterdam Treaty comes into force.

Pointing to the potential new powers to address age discrimination and social exclusion opened up by Articles 13 and 137 of the Amsterdam Treaty and the Community commitment in the 1999 Employment Guidelines to a labour market open to all ages, the Commissioner said:

"Clearly, the Employment Guidelines in combination with possible future Community legislation outlawing discrimination in employment on grounds of age, among others, will allow us to do more for older workers. The strategic importance of the employment field is immense. If we can drive back ageism in work places and labour markets, we can redefine the very notion of old age and get rid of all the negative stereotypes … and this would impact (very positively) on older people in general."

Mr. Flynn also presented the main points of the draft Communication "Towards a Europe for All Ages", which is intended to serve as the main Commission contribution to the UN Year of Older Persons in 1999, and discussed his thoughts about proposals for legislation and Community programmes based on Article 13.

Although regretting that he would be unable, given the present circumstances, to present proposals for important action against discrimination and social exclusion on the date the new Treaty comes into force, Mr. Flynn nonetheless expressed satisfaction that he had left a good foundation for his successor to build on and expressed confidence that the new Commission would be able to work well with the new Parliament in these crucial areas.

Mr. Flynn, who received a very warm welcome, ended by thanking the Intergroup on Ageing for the competent and constructive collaboration it has offered him in his years as Commissioner.
