In my country

Romania © Shutterstock



National website

National programme

Media Alert EY2010 Journalist Award

Country feature of Romania

Event clip

Thematic milestones:

  • Roma ro
  • Homelessness ro
  • Social exclusion of persons with disabilities ro
  • Caritas Romania Social Protection ro
  • Lamaita Calistrache: Women and poverty ro
  • Leslie Hawke: Access to education and culture ro
  • Attitudes towards poverty and social exclusion ro
  • What is poverty ro
  • Financial exclusion ro
  • Poverty across generations ro
  • Inclusive labour markets ro
  • Building a fairer society ro

National Implementing Body: Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Protection; Directorate for Social Inclusion Programmes

Address: Dem.I Dobrescu Street, n° 2B sector 1 Bucharest

Tel.: 40 21 314 69 37

Committee member: Ms Adina Dragotoiu, Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Protection