Calendario degli eventi

Poverty and social participation

From 22/10 to 23/10

University of applied sciences Wiesbaden logo

Read about the event in German

The EU Commission has designated the year 2010 as the European Year against poverty and social exclusion. One goal of this action is to increase public awareness of the risks of poverty and social exclusion and to understand its causes and effects better. The conference "Poverty and social participation" will support this objective and contribute to an action-oriented discussion of the growing social problem of poverty. In Germany there is a high risk of poverty. The percentage of low income households has steadily increased over the past five years. This shows that the number of those affected by poverty is not only getting more and more, but that they are also getting poorer on average. Social disparity intencifies and solidifies.

Social work sees its mission to become strong for social justice: they will give a voice to those whose access to social opportunities is denied. Therefore: to talk about the exclusion of people living in poverty, means also talking about their participation.

Anyone who speaks about poverty must also speak about wealth. This will be discussed from different perspectives with you. We want to turn our attention primarily to the fact

  • How the opportunities of participation can be expended
  • How the accomplishments of those who live under poverty conditions, can become obvious
  • How the theory and practice of social work can be allies against poverty
  • How we can accomplish the views of the local and national borders
  • How we can make it possible that poverty and social exclusion maintain even after the European Year against poverty and social exclusion as a social scandal on the political agenda

We are looking forward to inspiring contributions of the speakers and conference participants.

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