Calendario degli eventi

736ideas4adream. My house, Europe, free of social exclusion

From 09/05 to 09/05

Great visions are also mine, yours, ours.

Who says any of us can not give ideas, present solutions, offer new points of view?

736 is the number of people across the continent who have been invited to contribute and share their knowledge, will and intuition in pictures, drawings and reflections.

736 is the number of Members of the European Parlament who will receive these ideas to make reality a dream: a Europe free from social exclusion.

On Sunday May 9th, Europe Day, at the Convent de Sant Augustí premises, the project will present the ideas collected in a celebration with dj's, vj's, artists, an exhibition and, especially, people from the 6 countries who have participated in the project.

Location: Barcelona, Spain

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