Calendario degli eventi

Social Tourism: Third Meeting "Stakeholder Proposals to Facilitate Exchanges through Calypso"

From 06/05 to 07/05


The third Calypso Meeting will be held in Baile Felix (Romania) on 6 and 7 May 2010. The major theme of the Workshop will be the tourism access for families in special circumstances, youths, disabled people and seniors.

The meeting is organised by European Commission and Romanian Ministry of Tourism.

Calypso is a Project about Social tourism. By facilitating tourism access in European Destinations for society groups for which going on holiday represents a difficult or even impossible undertaking, Social Tourism strengthens the tourism industry's revenue generation potential. It enables off-season tourism to be developed, particularly in regions where tourism is well developed but highly seasonal, whilst giving the opportunity to relatively unknown, small or emerging destinations to promote their offer amongst a wider spectrum of the European population. Accordingly, Social Tourism encourages the creation of longer-lasting employment opportunities in the tourism sector by making it possible to extend such jobs beyond the peak season.

Location: Baile Felix, Romania