Project Market - EIP-AGRI workshop Farm data for better farm performance

Please find below the videos which were shown in the 3 thematic rooms during the Project Market as part of the EIP-AGRI workshop Farm data for better farm performance (9-10 December 2021).

1. Animal production

  1. PigInvest - Edgar Garcia Manzanilla
  2. InoFA - Evdokia Krystallidou
  3. DECIDE project - Fernanda Dórea
  4. PROSPERUM project - Rafael Gonzalez Cano 
  5. Operational Group Precision Sheep - Gasparoni Vichi
  6. D4Dairy - Egger Danner
  7. ARCZero - John Gilliland
  8. MechSmart Forages - Luís Alcino da Conceição

2. Arable crops

  1. Improving physical properties and water management of boundary meadow soils - Discovery Center
  2. FutureIntelligence_MEDITOMATO - Harris Moysiadis
  3. Beetle Sound Tube - Isabell Szallies
  4. Yield maps - Javier Bueno
  5. FARM - Laura Gorzitze
  6. LIFE AGRESTIC - Valentina Manstretta
  7. PestNu Project - Anna Pollack
  8. Control of Phytopathogenic fungi via direct identification - Roosi Soosaar
  9. LIFE4DONANA - Sébastien Guéry
  10. MAXSUS - Nicole Bartelds

3. Permanent crops

  1. IoT Platform Nadia - Dolores Ordoñez
  2. Demeter pilot - DunavNET
  3. Prosit Operational Group - Edoardo Constantini
  4. Digitalizing vegetable irrigation - Maja Brajnik
  5. Smart Data in vineyards Operational Group Tuscany
  6. VITA
  7. SIEGA SPOT - Ramon Sanchez Ruben
  8. VITIGEOSS (video - poster)

Other project videos & posters

  • SmartProduct - Harris Moysiadis
  • Ripreso - Mateo Gatti
  • Precision liming in Brandenburg (pH-BB) (video - poster)
  • Improving animal health and competitiveness on organic and conventional farms through the use of 4.0 sensor technology (poster)
  • Viticulture, Innovation and Technology for Sannio area’s Wines (V.IN.TE.S.) (poster)
  • EDWIN – Internet Platform for Advisory and Decision Support in Integrated Plant Protection (poster)