Call for interest: EIP-AGRI workshop on new value chains from multifunctional forests

Tell us your experience or idea of innovative ways to add economic value to forest products or services. It may be something which has already been implemented or a concept being currently developed, for instance by an Operational Group supported under the Rural Development Programmes.

The workshop will primarily focus on non-wood products and services. However, examples of innovative wood value chains will be considered if they have a high potential for inspiring innovative uses of wood by forest owners and managers throughout Europe.

This form will be open until 11:59 on 13 May 2016

Personal data
Organisation data
Expression of interest
Maximum 1500 characters
Operational Groups
max 1500 characters describing: • What problem will the knowledge generated solve for the end-user? What will be the main benefits to the forester? • Main outcome/recommendation (2-3 main results)
Maximum 500 characters