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This EIP-AGRI Operational Group involves taking drone data and looking for relationships with cereal shoot numbers Watch the video hereRead more
This funding opportunity is for projects wishing promote animal welfare, through dialogue with practice and knowledge exchange. The specific subject is “(Partial) mobile slaughter and grazing/pasture slaughter of farm animals”...Read more
On 24-25 March 2021, the European Commission and the EIP-AGRI Service Point are organising the online workshop ‘Towards carbon neutral agriculture’. Apply to the call for expression of interest (by 14 February 2021)Read more
The EIP-AGRI Seminar ‘Healthy soils for Europe: sustainable management through knowledge and practice’ is dedicated to exchanging practical solutions to soil health problems and discussing what needs to be done for farms to take them up. And we are looking for participants.Read more
Sustainable farming in French Guiana: combining tropical crops with agroforestry. Growing sustainable tropical crops in an outermost region of the European Union: that’s what Julien Villard has been doing since 2016.Read more
The EIP-AGRI Seminar ‘Healthy soils for Europe: sustainable management through knowledge and practice’ will take place online on 13-14 April 2021. The call for participants is now open until 14 February 2021.Read more
Polish farmer Mateusz Ciasnocha and researcher Efi Alexopoulou and share their experiences on supply chain creation and managementRead more
Maeve Henchion, project coordinator explains: "BovINE provides farmers with access to knowledge from farmers and research institutes and universities across Europe.”Read more
The German Operational Group Coachingssystem deals with challenges related to livestock management and animal welfare. They have developed a smartphone app to support assessment in the barn or when handling the animals.Read more
This paper outlines six strategies for future European organic animal farming supporting alternative ways of thinking about integrating animals into farms and landscapes, such as multi-species systems and pastoralism, agroforestry and sustainable foraging.Read more
A new page on the EIP-AGRI website lets you browse through a range of resources for each theme.Read more
Well-functioning Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS) connect people and make sure that knowledge is shared across the EU. Watch this new animated video to see what AKIS stands for,...Read more
FUTURIS (Euronews) is a channel presenting the latest news about the leading scientific and technological research projects in Europe.Read more
xperts from the EIP-AGRI Focus Group on Moving from source to sink in arable farming have recently published a paper on the Journal of Rural Studies. The abstract mentions: “Increasing...Read more
This call, organised by the ERA-NETs SusAn, FACCE ERA-GAS, ICT-AGRI-FOOD and SusCrop, is now open for applications. The call is about circularity and mixed crop/livestock farming systems, with emphasis on...Read more
For this year’s edition, TP Organics partnered with the Horizon 2020 project LIVESEED which aims at boosting organic seed and plant breeding across Europe.Read more
The European Commission has launched a public consultation focussing on the impact of the common agricultural policy (CAP) on knowledge exchange and innovation activities such as training and provision of...Read more
EIT Food is launching an open call for projects in the innovation Focus Area ‘Sustainable Aquaculture’.Read more
Since 2013, the EIP-AGRI has been promoting interactive innovation to make EU agriculture and forestry more sustainable, productive, and fit for the future. This report shows how the EIP-AGRI network has grown into athriving network.Read more
A series of Operational Groups (OGs) across Europe are finding ways to bring people together to improve the social, economic and environmental performance of forestsRead more
The enthusiasm of the EIP-AGRI network members is essential to the success of the EIP-AGRI, and in ensuring that everyone can benefit. Watch this new EIP-AGRI video to hear researchers,...Read more
Horizon 2020 project InnoForESt seeks to spark a transformation for a sustainable European forest sector. Video of What is the InnoForESt project?Read more
Improving soils in Montado ecosystems Many Montado ecosystems in Portugal are suffering from climate change which leads to, for example, loss of soil organic matter. The ECOMONTADO XXI Operational Group is developing a novel forest management practice to restore vitality and productivity.Read more
The European Forest Institute is an international organisation established by European States. They conduct research and provide policy support on forest-related issues, connecting knowledge to action. They have set up...Read more
EURAKNOS Horizon 2020 thematic network (TN) aims to improve exchange of best practices in European agriculture and forestry. One of their tools is their cross-exchange visits (CE), which have now been transformed into virtual events.Read more
Horizon 2020 project My Sustainable Forest aims at integrating Earth Observation (satellite technology) significantly further into forestry by demonstrating the advantage of incorporating this information into the daily decision making,...Read more
This call is the first phase of the regional contest entitled “Digital Excellence in Agriculture in Europe and Central Asia”, aiming at collecting good practices in the field of digital...Read more
“Listen to EU forest stewards, understand their actions on the ground, learn from their experience, and go beyond the clichés!” this is the message of the new awareness campaign #ForestBiodiversity...Read more
RUBIZMO is a Horizon 2020 project developing entrepreneurship and successful business models in food and agriculture, new bio-based value chains and ecosystem services. In January, February and March 2021, every...Read more
With over 1600 Operational Groups already funded, did you know that some countries such as Bulgaria still have calls open? Operational Groups intend to bring together multiple actors such as...Read more
ForestValue Joint Call 2021 (JC 2021) - The ForestValue Research Programme will launch their second call for joint European research projects in the new year.Read more
The European Commission has launched a public consultation focussing on the impact of the common agricultural policy (CAP) on knowledge exchange and innovation activities such as training and provision of advice, generation and dissemination.Read more
SMARTFEED, the Finnish Operational Group, develops methods, tools, analytics and data transfer to create a system for monitoring silage quality, and energy and protein nutrition balance in dairy cows on...Read more
Videos from EU Pig on animal health and welfareRead more
Use of blockchain technologies in the agri-food sector - Webinar on 23 November 2020Read more
The European Commission has published the roadmap for the new Soil Strategy, and would like your views before 10 December.Read more
The EIP-AGRI has run over 40 Focus Groups on a wide variety of topics. Watch this new animated video to find out how they link research and practice, how they...Read more
Over 90 people attended the online EIP-AGRI Workshop: Shaping the EU mission ‘Caring for soil is caring for life’ which took place on 20-21 October 2020. To restore soil health...Read more
This new EIP-AGRI factsheet presents ideas to ensure the sustainability of beekeeping - based on the work by the EIP-AGRI Focus Group on bee healthRead more
The European Commission has launched an online survey that aims to identify agroecology living labs and research infrastructures in Europe. Agroecology means working better with nature to support agricultural production...Read more
LIFE project Soil4Life promotes the sustainable use of soil. You can download here a Soil Management Toolkit which aims to inspire actions (however large or small) that positively contribute to...Read more
On 15 and 16 October 2020 the European Commission held the 'Farm to Fork' conference. The event provided an important opportunity to debate the implementation of the recently adopted Farm...Read more
Non-Food Crops (NFC) are used to produce a wide range of bio-based products including polymers, lubricants, construction materials, pharmaceuticals, as well as bioenergy and fuels. The PANACEA Horizon 2020 Thematic...Read more
SUSTAINOLIVE is a Horizon 2020 project seeking to improve the sustainability of the olive oil sector, through the implementation and promotion of a set of innovative sustainable management solutions, based...Read more
The Horizon 2020 multi-actor project DIVERSify has released the first three films of their Growing Beyond Monoculture mini-documentary web series. They present findings from research trials and work with farmers...Read more
The third Citizen Engagement and Deliberative Democracy Festival will happen online from 6-12 December 2020. As part of this event, you can apply for a social innovation prize – projectsRead more
A Spanish Operational Group - use of biodegradable plastic mulch films and solutions for accelerating the degradation progressRead more
A French Operational Group has been working on mechanical weed control techniques in organic viticulture to substitute application of herbicides, while controlling fossil fuel consumption and reducing production costs.Read more
Transnational research proposals on ‘Conservation and restoration of degraded ecosystems and their biodiversity'Read more
In the context of the pandemic caused by COVID-19, and potentially other future crises, innovation can contribute to strengthening the resilience and adaptive capacity of agriculture and forestry. In particular,...Read more
