Research needs

Browse the list of knowledge needs from farming and forestry professionals, for which research may offer solutions. You may come across needs that are similar to yours, or you may find a research need that your expertise can offer a solution for.

The research needs from practice that you can search on this page were collected at EIP-AGRI workshops and other events, during specific meetings with farmers, foresters, advisers and agribusiness representatives, and through other networking activities such as EIP-AGRI Focus Groups. As part of the EIP-AGRI network, you can also share your own research needs from practice through the online 'Share' section.

After review, these submissions are then also included in an annual report that is published online: research needs report 2018 - research needs report 2019 - research needs report 2020 - research needs report 2021.

Published on Title Contact
Fri, 17/04/2020 Research need from Focus Group: Analytical methods to validate novel feedstuff EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Thu, 16/04/2020 Research need from Focus Group: Calibration of NIRS for novel feedstuff (insects, SCP, micro-algae) EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Thu, 16/04/2020 Research need from Focus Group: Substrates for novel protein EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Thu, 16/04/2020 Research need from Focus Group: Breeding schemes of black soldier fly EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Thu, 16/04/2020 Research need from Focus Group: Nutrient requirements of black soldier fly EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Mon, 13/04/2020 Research need from Focus Group: Search for new Biological Control Agents (BCAs) EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Mon, 13/04/2020 Research need from Focus Group: Perform field assays to test BCAs of olive pathogens under different environmental conditions (estimate optimal conditions to maximise effectivity) EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Mon, 13/04/2020 Research need from Focus Group: Quantification of the effect of agro-ecological principles/green infrastructure on pest and disease control EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Mon, 13/04/2020 Research need from Focus Group: optimisation of cover crops EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Mon, 13/04/2020 Research need from Focus Group: Development of new biotechnological phytosanitary tools (semiochemicals, attractants, deterrents, repellents, etc.) to control olive pests EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Mon, 13/04/2020 Research need from Focus Group: Development of new systems for pests and diseases monitoring EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Poing View
Mon, 13/04/2020 Research need from Focus Group: Effect of Climate Change on olive pests and pathogens EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Sat, 28/12/2019 Need for change towards the new era. John Rozakis View
Mon, 23/12/2019 Solving livestock odor problem Jacek Koziel View
Wed, 20/11/2019 Research need from Focus Group: Studying the different behaviours and phenology of cultivars under varying climate conditions EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Wed, 20/11/2019 Research need from Focus Group: Developing a reliable monitoring and alarm system that relies both on surface and profile information of temperature, humidity and wind speed EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Wed, 20/11/2019 Research need from Focus Group: Establishing a database on potential yields for different species/varieties and critical temperatures on species/variety level EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Wed, 20/11/2019 Research need from Focus Group: Adding more biology to models EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Wed, 20/11/2019 Research need from Focus Group: Studying and comparing the effectiveness of methods under different conditions EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Thu, 31/10/2019 Research need from Focus Group: Decentralised sustainable wood gas production EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Thu, 31/10/2019 Research need from Focus Group: Flexibility of electricity production by biogas plants EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Thu, 31/10/2019 Research need from Focus Group: Feedstock for biogas production EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Thu, 31/10/2019 Research need from Focus Group: Screening and benchmarking biomass pre-treatment technologies EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Thu, 31/10/2019 Research need from Focus Group: Developing energy storage solutions suitable for farms EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Wed, 12/06/2019 Research need from Focus Group: Soil biodiversity involved in plant health and food safety EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Wed, 12/06/2019 Research need from Focus Group: Cover crops, intercropping EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Wed, 12/06/2019 Research need from Focus Group: Agroforestry EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Wed, 12/06/2019 Research need from Focus Group: Value of soil carbon to society and farmers EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Wed, 12/06/2019 Research need from Focus Group: Local biomass use for increasing soil carbon content EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Wed, 12/06/2019 Research need from Focus Group: Estimating soil carbon levels under different farming/agricultural practices EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Wed, 12/06/2019 Research need from Focus Group: Organic amendments and retention of nutrients in the soil EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Fri, 24/05/2019 Research need from Focus Group: Monitoring links between practices and soil organic matter content for different regions in Europe EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Fri, 24/05/2019 Research need from Focus Group: Intrinsic motivation of farmers / mind-set of farmers EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Fri, 24/05/2019 Research need from Focus Group: Effect of grazing intensity and nutrient fertilization on C:N:P:S ratios in plants and on C sequestration EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Fri, 24/05/2019 Research need from Focus Group: Guidelines to optimise animal production while maintaining or increasing soil C EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Fri, 24/05/2019 Research need from Focus Group: Assessment of effectiveness of incentives EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Fri, 24/05/2019 Research need from Focus Group: Holistic approach - trade-offs with grazing EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Fri, 24/05/2019 Research need from Focus Group: Species, mixtures and combinations of traits under different environmental conditions and grazing practices EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Fri, 24/05/2019 Research need from Focus Group: Meta-analysis on effect of grazing system on C sequestration EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Fri, 24/05/2019 Research need from Focus Group: Carbon sequestration in relation to other ecosystem services EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Mon, 13/05/2019 Research need from Focus Group: Develop strategies to manage Grapevine Trunk Diseases EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Mon, 13/05/2019 Research need from Focus Group: Understanding the main factors of vine decline EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Mon, 13/05/2019 Research need from Focus Group: Effects of climate change on pests and diseases EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Mon, 13/05/2019 Research need from Focus Group: The role of organic matter and soil fertility on plant health EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Mon, 13/05/2019 Research need from Focus Group: Management strategies to control powdery mildew EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Mon, 13/05/2019 Research need from Focus Group: IPM overall strategy on table grapes and related labelling EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Mon, 13/05/2019 Research need from Focus Group: Downscale IPM and precision viticulture Andrés Manuel EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Mon, 13/05/2019 Research need from Focus Group: Health in planting materials EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Mon, 13/05/2019 Research need from Focus Group: Selection and breeding of grape varieties and heterogeneous planting materials EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
Thu, 09/05/2019 Research need from Focus Group: R&R breeding EIP-AGRI Service Point EIP-AGRI Service Point View
